


Divisional entries

Posted by Spring Grove Swim Club on Jan 28 2024 at 02:24PM PST in Winter 2023


Please see the attached Divisional entries, if you see any errors on your swimmers events, let us know tonight. In the file with entries by name, if you see your swimmers name as Alternate, that means, they are marked as alternate for a relay either for Divisional or All Star. If one swimmer is sick either day, the alternates will swim. Make sure they are available please. 

All Star volunteers – we are going to send an email each day until the spots are filled out. We need to host these championships, not because we (as a board and coaches) want the extra amount of work and stress, but because the club can use the extra income to provide all the extra benefits for our swimmers and keep our registration costs the lowest in the county. ALL swimmers are invited to attend the banquet and their families, ALL swimmers are getting a gift at the end of each season ($25*90=$2,250), we provided financial assistance when purchasing the caps, which cost the club a couple of thousands, we offer two $500 scholarship this year etc etc. We are not able to do all these extra things, if we don’t produce income. And by hosting these championships, we bring in that additional revenue (admissions, t-shirts, concessions revenue).

So given this little background about the club financials, please grab a spot and help the club out by CLICKING HERE, regardless whether your child swims in it or not. The goal is to be out of here before 12pm that day. I understand the “requirements” to volunteer were for the regular meets, but this is something that benefits everyone so everyone needs to pitch in!

Till tomorrow when the next email will arrive!

Gabi Calugar

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